
  • Freefall Tower | from 2019 | The highest and fastest gyro drop tower in the world, at the time of its opening, with a total height of 120 meters, a drop of 103 meters and maximum speed of 120 km/h.
    On August 17, managing director Andreas Leicht announced in an atmospheric press event that HANSA-PARK will erect the world's highest and fastest gyro drop tower. It will be a freefall tower where the gondola cycle around itself during the slow ascent. Once at the top, the gondola disengages, and drops 103 meters vertically into the depths. The passengers reach a speed of 120 km/h before fail-safe eddy-current magnets slow down the gondola. In addition, Mr. Leicht explains, the seats are tilted forward by 30° before the fall so that the passengers have a clear view of the ground.

    The Highlander breaks with all the records that were previously set up by rotating free fall towers worldwide, and thus sets a clear exclamation point. On the one hand, the Highlander marks the conclusion of a 10-year expansion phase, beginning with the construction of the Holstentor and commencement of Hanseaticisation, and at the same time represents the beginning of the next phase in the HANSA-PARK master plan. Apart from the Highlander, the area around the cult roller coaster Nessie will be transformed into a charming Britain. The Highlander will fit thematically Scottish in the HANSA-PARK landscape.

    The 120 meter high steel tower will be placed into the helix of Nessie, and replaces a large lighthouse. With the Holstein Tower and KÄRNAN, the Highlander provides a new, impressive skyline on the Baltic Sea coast. No other structure in its vicinity will overtop the tower.