Apache Lodge Tree House

  • Playground | since 2006 | A tree house for climbing and playing, with tight spaces, tunnels, and a large suspension bridge that ends at an Indian trail with several sports equipment and tasks
    Apachen Lodge

    They're still standing in California, the big sequoias. With trunks to move around and enormous heights that are equivalent to a ten-story skyscraper, these trees provide shelter from wild animals and other things.

    Apachen Lodge Apachen Lodge

    No wonder that not an Indian comes up with the idea to put a small log cabin on it. The Apache Lodge is a disjointing climbing and kinking fun for all children and adults, who have to prove how agile their own body is already in front of the entrance of the tree house. Because the entrance leads right through the huge trunk over several ladders up into the house. Once there, you reach the first balcony, from which the climbers have a great view of the Indian village, the Navajo Trail and the Oath of KÄRNAN. Next, the most complex stage, a towering tube of bars, has to be climbed to finally reach the first floor through a small gap. There is the second balcony on the opposite side. Now the house is crossed a fourth time to find yourself on a long suspension bridge that leads over to the bear hill.

    The tree house was also designed by the consulting engineering firm Holst und Partner from Lübeck, who are responsible for structural design and construction.