It is above all the kingdom of King Menved VI. who ruled here with a hard hand many years ago. In honor of his dream, the mighty KÄRNAN, the Museum of the same name was opened, where visitors can see numerous relics and works of art of the royal family. At the gates, a detailed reconstruction of a catapult was built according to original plans of the KÄRNAN master builder.
At least that's how it could feel when this themed area is entered. After the Mexican themed area lost its importance due to the arrival of the KÄRNAN, the area behind the show theater is now assigned to a new theme world. The northern kingdoms are gradually replacing the last remnants of Mexico. The water bobsled Rio Dorado, for example, will be adapted to the theme area by the end of the 2017 season. The Plaza San Antonio has already been renamed and is gradually being turned into the "Kungstorget".